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In the four case, the bearings can be considered
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In the four case, the bearings can be considered
Bearing mechanical parts for mass production, and manufacturing accuracy requirements are very strict, technically very high degree of specialization, thus bearing varieties for most readily available, should be more cost-effective to buy than repair, only in the following cases before considering bearing repair problems:
(1) a large number of the same type of bearings used in large factories, the main failure forms of rolling surface wear, fretting wear or fatigue, especially for the damaged parts holder or a rolling body, and there is a fixed value ring or washer;
(2) large and extra large bearings are on the verge of failure or have failed, while parts have not been seriously damaged, or precious bearings must be managed to extend their useful life;
(3) some types of bearings that are difficult to purchase will have to be repaired without spare parts, especially imported bearings;
(4) bearing a slight injury, a slight scale such as inventory period, production and transportation process of slight fretting wear, this kind of situation is easy to repair and discard.
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Shandong Xinkaite Bearing Co.,Ltd.   Phone: +86 6355638235   Fax: +86 635 5638808   Email: xkte@xinkaite.com   
